Terrible Mutilation
FORNICATADOR (AUS) - Baphomet Fellatio Apocalypse CD EP
CD EP, Terrible Mutilation Records, 2020
Australian Black/Death Metal
'Killer churning black/death metal ala Diocletian, Archgoat, Witchrist, Corpse Molestation etc. ' - terriblemutilation.com
'With 20 minutes of disgustingly crushing and enuclearized as fuck war metal savagery fit only for psychos who pound DIOCLETIAN, ARCHGOAT, WITCHRIST and the ever-quickening collapse of global order for breakfast, FORNICATADOR blow any and all opposition clean off the kitchen table! "Baphomet Fellatio Apocalypse" discharges five unrelentless rounds of explosive goat-fuelled annihilation leaving none to spare! CD OUT WINTER 2020.' - terriblemutilation.bandcamp.com