New Zealand based Heavy Metal label and distribution
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[UPDATE] NZ Shipping during Lockdown

CD Vinyl Zine

Shipping to Auckland and Northland in New Zealand, at the COVID-19 Level 4 lockdown, is not possible at this time.

You can still make purchases, but they will not ship until those areas are at Level 3.

Shipping to the rest of New Zealand will be possible from Wednesday, 01 September when the lockdown will be at Level 3.


[{24/08/2021, 8:04 pm NZST} With New Zealand in a Level 4 lockdown, check-out in the webstore has been temporarily disabled.

You can still view all the items currently in stock, but you will be unable to place an order until the country moves to Level 3 when we are able to begin shipping again.

The pandemic level will be reviewed on Thursday/Friday, 26/27 August and an update will follow if the store will re-open.]

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